Almost completed my 30 day course of antibiotics. I went back to find Dr Serene Ang. She commented that my skin condition has improved. Well, it hasn't been getting worse but there is definitely room for improvement.
I finished up my Neutrogena Gentle Skin Cleanser. Hence, I asked Dr Ang to recommend me a cleanser. She prescribed NIKS Vitamin A cleanser. The left side of my face is not breaking out now and what you see are scars (and I think from the ones I used to squeeze ):) Don't squeeze your pimples people! Gave me Glycol 10, a fruit acid peel, to exfoliate the skin gently.
I ran out of my Skin Repair Cream and she prescribed a full size jar this time round. It cost SGD52!! D: (Last a long time though)
Gave me another 20 days of antibiotics and I am to visit her a month later, 10 days after I have stopped taking Doxycycline.
Current skincare routine:
1. NIKS Vitamin A Cleanser
2. Glycol 10
3. Acne Clear Gel
5. Skin Repair Cream
6. Sunscreen/Skinorean (Night)
7. Blemish Cream
It looks like a lot isn't it! Bill came up to sgd 122 for the 2nd visit! Assuming that there will be NO MORE breakout at the same area on the face, the pigmentation will fade in 4-6 months. If there are new breakout, you will have new pigmentation and even if your old pigmentation fades, it is pointless. Stuck in an evil cycle.
Plan - Continue going to Maple Clinic for another 4 months. If by then, my skin condition is not satisfactory, I will stop going.