Thursday, June 21, 2012

100 Things To Do Instead of Procrastinating on the Internet

Loved Gala Darling's recent entry on things to do instead of wasting time on the Internet. I like these specially.
  1. Go through your entire closet & cull what isn't working for youThis includes anything that is the wrong colour, shape or size. It also includes anything that you TRULY KNOW you will never wear. Throw them in a suitcase & trundle it to your nearest consignment boutique.DONE.{Did this last month. Sold clothes to my closer friends & it felt good to have a 'cleaner' wardrobe!!!}
  2. Call your best friend.
  3. Go to the library.
  4. Visit a department store and collect fragrance samples. 
  5. Stock up on stationery that makes your life happier. 
  6. Make friendship bracelets for your BFFs.
  7. Take a yoga class.
  8. Write down a list of goals, & don’t just scrawl down whatever you feel is expected of you. Make it a list of AUDACIOUS ambitions. Write down things that scare you. Add things which feel so big that you have no idea how they could ever possibly happen. Then put it somewhere where you’ll see it every day.
  9. Take a photo of your best friend.
  10. Start working your way through that abandoned bookshelf of yours.
  11. Arrange your office, bedroom or living room according to feng shui.
    I don't believe fully in feng shui but it's an interesting topic.
  12. Learn how to cook something fantastic.
  13. Buy a book in a language you haven't spoken in years.
    Chinese books
  14. Practice a make-up skill you haven't yet perfected.
    eyeshadow, gel liner, accentuating cheekbones
  15. Take a Pilates class
  16. Look at your list of goals, break them down into micromovements, & BEGIN! You know you want to…
  17. Go for a bike ride.
  18. Sit in a cafe for an hour with no agenda at all.
  19. Get a pedicure.
  20. Schedule breakfast dates.
  21. Spend a day at the museum.